Rabu, 18 Juni 2014

lcd monitor yellow helppp!!?

Q. When i turned my monitor on today it turned yellow. i checked if all the cable were in propely and it still didnt work. However i tested the monitor on a other computer it was fine. so it must be my CPU. so is by VGA port faulty. Could some please tell me how to fix it.
My monitor is a yuraku and it is a LCD.
i have seen another monitor on my comp and that turns yellow aswell so it is def the cpu

A. It sounds like your blue color is out. I have found that it is usually the cable connection that does that. Try completely removing the connector on both ends of the video cable and reattaching to pc and monitor to see if this helps. Also, if you have another video cable, try that or try another monitor on your pc to confirm that it is the pc's problem.

LCD Monitor problems?
Q. Aight, I got an LCD monitor with my DELL computer about 4 years ago, well, I knew that I should have gottern the extended warranty. the Monitor started turning on and off when the computer is turned on, however, when the computer is turned off, the light shows No Signal, then, when I turn the PC back on, it starts turning on and off again, I think its mainly a problem with the video input on the monitor itself.

A. How does a 3 year extended warranty help in your 4th year? It is always a gamble either way. I always recommend against BETTING against yourself.

Check to see if the switch is goofy. Hit it repeatedly to see if that is the source of the problem. One customer of mine had that problem, and we just TAPED it down, so it would stay on. (He uses a power strip anyway).

Then fiddle with the power cord connection. Maybe that is the source. If you have another power cord, try that. (I had an instance where the power cord was simply not making a good connection, and changing that did the trick).

If this continues to bug you, then consider getting a new one at http://www.newegg.com I recently bought a dozen 18 inch LCD monitors (Samsung) for under $200. They all are looking and working GREAT.

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