Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

how can i open a lcd monitor?

Q. well i just found a 22 inch lcd monitor in the garbage its a dell
well it seems that the power is giving out the light will go on then turn off
same with this 18 inch lcd i got to
i have a backup power supply type thing im going to put in it but i cant open it
theres no screws...how can i get it open???any diagrams

A. It Happened to me before I repaired it using LCD Monitor Repair Guide
This ebook will help you Step By Step to do LCD Monitor Repairs. The Steps to fix a broken LCD monitor he offer is really complete. Here's the common problem why LCD Monitor Broken and how to Fix those LCD Screen problem in this great LCD Monitor Repair Book

* No Power and Low Output Power or Even Power Blink on the LCD screen Display

* The power on LCD is on, But there is No Display

* Display Shutdown After Few Seconds To Few Minutes

* LCD Problem that display blank white Screen problem
You saw no image in LCD Dispay, but your Broken LCD only give the white blank screen color

* There is One Horizontal Line Bar Across The LCD Screen
The power of your LCD is On, however, the LCD screen suffer from a horisontal bar.

* There is One Vertical Line Bars across LCD Monitors
Same as above, but the monitor display the vertical bar. Sometimes more than one bars

* There is Rainbow Display on LCD Screen
There are a rainbow colorful color in screen (which is annoyong) how to repair rainbow on lcd monitor. Read it here

* There are Dead Pixels in LCD screen
Dead Pixels is a broken Pixels in your LCD, that makes there are several weird dots in your LCD Screen. fix broken pixels monitor is not hard but need some tricks. check here to learn step by step how to repair those annoying dead pixels

* The display has Dim light LCD Monitor
The LCD Monitor broken because has low light, make eyes suffer

* Screen Display Problem

* Intermittent Problems

lcd monitor clarity issue?
Q. I am using an acer AL 1706 LCD monitor and am running it at its native resolution (1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz). I have tried using both the standard microsoft plug and play monitor driver as well as the specific driver for this monitor (although it always says that it is for the al 1716 after I install it). I find that overall image clarity is great, but the text, expecially in web browsers tends to look slightly out of focus (I have tried using cleartype, standard smoothing, and no smoothing). This has been giving me some pretty bad eye strain after using the computer for 20 minutes or more. Does anybody have any ideas as to what the issue is and how to fix it?

A. LCD is bad for text reading. Even with higher quality LCD monitor you will still have same problem. It's the hardware problem, I doubt you can find a satisfied solution.
Here is something you can try to improve a little:
1. turn on the text mode if you lcd support when you read text.
2. goto your video card driver, find the custom resolution control panel, swith the timing to GTF or DMT. See if you like the new effect. Some people say it makes big different.

hope it helps and good luck.

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