Jumat, 13 Juni 2014

Cleaning spilled liquids form LCD monitors?

Q. Well last-night my dumb girlfriend opened a can of pop and it sprayed all over the LCD screen. I got most of the pop off of the screen but, I have to get some cleaner looks like to get the smudges off of the screen and the left over pop. What I wanted to know is, Will the pop that got on the screen mess up the screen or will it come right off when i get the LCD cleaner. Name of the pop is: Caffeine Free Twist Up Lemon Lime.

A. All LCD monitors have to be glazed with a thin protection film across the screen to confirm to a few laws regarding Health & Safety guidelines at home and in a workplace.

The best solution, as stupid as it sounds, is vinegar and water. Vinegar is an acid and has many properties in it that clean many surfaces and spillages and works wonders with glass and abrasive/non-abrasive surfaces.

Make sure you have white vinegar, other vinegars have different levels of acidity. And make sure you dillute the vinegar with water before use to ensure the acidity levels are stable enough for everyday cleaning use.

Try it out, see if it works!
Google is always there for confirming recommendations like this, so don't take my word for it.
Search Google or Yahoo! for further information..

How do I clean my TFT (LCD) computer monitor?
Q. I have a 17 inches TFT (LCD) monitor. The picture quality is great. But accidentally a few drops of water fell onto the screen. I wiped them off very lightly and now several markings are visible on the screen and are giving it a somewhat untidy appearance which highly annoys me since my monitor is otherwise very sleek and great to look at. How do I get rid of them and how should I clean my monitor in order to ensure proper maintenance? I have heard that rubbing is a strict no-no in TFTs. Else, how do I clean them?

A. I can tell you right off there is a specific cleaner you need to use. Most FlatPanels have a protective coating on the screen itself and if you try to use a normal glass cleaner things are going to get messy in a hurry. I'm not sure where you can buy this cleaner, i'll do some searching online and see what turns up. And again, dont for the love of al l thats holy try to clean that with standard glass cleaner

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