Selasa, 24 September 2013

Is there a way I can keep my LCD Monitor from strectching everything?

Q. I just bought a new monitor and it is stretching everything. I use Photoshop a lot and everything looks funny. Does anyone know a way I can make this not happen?

A. Set your resolution to the native resolution of the monitor. This is usually the highest allowed resolution under the display preferences.

The only reason to use a lower resolution than native is if you have problems seeing things.

Any Recommendations For LCD Monitor For Photography?
Q. I'm considering getting a new LCD monitor for photographic use. I currently have a Samsung 931B and Acer x171 (running dual monitors on Gigabyte video card -- 256mb-- and Acer is just for dragging pallettes out of way in Photoshop.) I'm considering a 22" widescreen to go down to a single monitor, but am on a fairly tight budget. I could prolly go up to 'round $350, so I know that's really limiting me.

It doesn't need to be fancy, I just need something that is sharp, true colors, and good contrast w/o being *too* contrasty.

A. I would contact Adobe directly and get recommendations.

I know in the CRT monitors Samsung, Sony, NEC, Dell, Apple and ViewSonic were supported monitors.

In any case you will need to calibrate your monitor. See links below

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