Jumat, 18 April 2014

How do I hook up 2 LCD's for trading in the markets?

Q. Hi, I got 2 brand new LCD monitors. Now I want to hook them up for trading. How do I do this? Am I going to need 2 separate video cards? I want the displays to show different information on each screens - not share a desktop.
My video card doesn't have two video outs. It's about 3 years old. I can't afford a new desktop. Anything I can do with what I already have?
I don't have PCI-E on this desktop, but maybe AGP - have to check. If I don't have PCI-E or AGP, am I needing to fork out some cash for a new desktop? (Major ouch)

A. You need a video card that can support two monitors.

The majority of current video cards out there support dual monitors-- They have two video output jacks, either two DVI, or one DVI / one VGA.

If all you are going to do is run your online trading software, then just get something like this if you have PCI Express: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161219

Or something like this if you have AGP: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102814

With a video card that supports two monitors, all you have to do is go into Display Properties in Windows and set it to run in extended desktop mode, and the two monitors will be able to display different information on each screen.

EDITED TO ADD: If your computer has a PCI Express 16x slot or an AGP slot, you don't need a new computer. Just buy a new video card. Both video cards I linked to for you cost under $100. About what you would pay for a single share of AAPL or IBM. :-D

having problems with monitor?
Q. once in a while my computer monitor starts making a clicking noise and the screen flickers when it is shut down for a while and i turn it back on it works fine does anyone know what causes this and what you can do to fix it

A. What kind of computer monitor ? Is it a CRT (the old kind of monitor) or is it LCD (the thin flat-screen) ?


In the CRT type

There is a relay that degausses the tube (applies a varying magnetic field to erase any residual magnetism). This relay is supposed to turn on only when the power is turned on, then turn off shortly afterward and not turn on again. If there is a problem with the power control circuit it might be turning that relay on, which turns on the degaussing coil. If it is clicking then the circuit is going bad, turning the relay on and off.

Another type of clicking noise can be caused by the input circuitry being unable to keep track of the "scan rate" which determines the resolution of the image on the screen. When the circuit changes resolution there is a loud click. If this control circuit is going bad you would hear clicking.

CRTs have high-voltage power supplies for the picture tube; if the transformer is going bad there might be clicking, but usually it buzzes.

When you turn off the monitor the power supply still has power in its capacitors and as those discharge the circuit going bad behaves erratically and causes screen flicker.


In LCDs you do not have degaussing coils. But the monitor still has circuits that detect the scan rate to display the correct image; if the circuits are going bad it might be making a clicking noise.


Put the monitor on another computer and see if it still clicks.

If the monitor does not click, your video card or circuits in the computer to be suspected as going bad, sending out bad video signals.

If the monitor does click, you will need to get the monitor repaired or replaced. Repairing monitors is sometimes not worth the trouble; the technician might have to get a service manual for it and then have to get parts. I have been told the Chinese manufacturers are not very helpful with supplying manuals, and parts might be difficult to get. A new monitor is often much cheaper than trying to get it fixed; you can't get much of a warranty on a repair job on old monitors, while you do get a warranty on new monitors.

===== Edit:

I suggest you take it back to the store as it should still be under warranty. Even if the manufacturer's warranty has expired, the store should still maintain the merchandise.

Friday, January 8, 2010

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